Registration is now open for a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program titled, “National Origin Discrimination, the Fair Housing Act, and Enforcement.” The program will be conducted virtually on Friday, June 24, 2012, from 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm. The CLE is hosted by the Fair Housing Project of Legal Aid of North Carolina, the City of Durham City Attorney’s Office, and the City of Durham Human Relations Division.
National Origin Discrimination, the Fair Housing Act, and Enforcement
Friday, June 24th, 2022
Register Here:
1.25 hours of General CLE Credit (pending North Carolina State Bar approval)
Cost: $65
LANC Volunteers can use the code “LANCVolunteer” to register for free.
LANC Partners can use the code “LANCPartner” to register for free.
Program Overview:
This CLE will educate legal professionals about national origin discrimination under the Fair Housing Act. The program will cover key cases and HUD guidance interpreting discrimination because of national origin, as well as fair housing enforcement options and processes in North Carolina. This training will be beneficial for legal services attorneys, volunteer attorneys involved in Legal Aid’s pro bono program, and attorneys in private practice who practice landlord-tenant law.
Lauren Brasil, Managing Attorney, Fair Housing Project, Legal Aid of North Carolina
Sofia Hernandez, Sr. Assistant City Attorney, City of Durham City Attorney’s Office
Latoya Blackwell, Equal Employment Opportunity & Public Accommodations Manager, City of Durham, Neighborhood Improvement Services, Human Relations Division
If you have any questions or problems registering, please contact Allison Tikare at or Samantha Pittman at