On April 12, 2022, Secretary Fudge issued a Memorandum recognizing that individuals with criminal histories often face barriers to obtaining and maintaining housing, including public housing, HUD-assisted housing, and HUD-insured housing. The Memorandum also recognized that individuals with criminal histories are also disproportionately racial minorities or people with disabilities.
As a result, Secretary Fudge issued a HUD-wide effort to review programs and making changes to ensure that HUD-funding recipients are “inclusive as possible” of people with criminal histories. Within 6 months, HUD will identify “all HUD regulations, guidance documents, and other policies, and sub-regulatory documents (including model leases and other agreements) that may pose barriers to housing for persons with criminal histories…and propose updates and amendments.”
This effort is consistent with and build upon previously issued HUD directives and guidance, including 2016 guidance from the Office of General Counsel.
The Memorandum also recognized that some public housing authorities, owners, and other HUD-assisted housing providers have complied with HUD’s 2016 Guidance, but that “too many public housing authorities, owners, and other HUD-assisted housing providers,” continue to exclude people from desperately needed housing.
More from this Newsletter Issue: Spring 2022
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