A Project of Legal Aid of North Carolina
The Fair Housing Project of Legal Aid of North Carolina (LANC) will be conducting an Advanced Fair Housing Training for LME/MCO staff and their partners, including housing counselors, tenant advocates, and social workers.
This is an interactive training and is intended only for people who have previously attended a basic fair housing training. You must have access to a computer to participate, as attendees will have to provide written responses during the training.
The training will provide an overview of federal and state Fair Housing Laws, with a focus on the rights of people with disabilities and the legal responsibilities. Topics to be covered include: properties covered by fair housing laws; definition of disability; types of disability discrimination; requests for reasonable accommodations, including assistance and service animals; requests for reasonable modifications; best practices for preparing and reviewing a request for a reasonable accommodation or modification. We will have an in depth discussion of assistance animals and criminal background screening.
Registration is now open; follow this link to sign up for free: https://www.nchfa.com/node/9199?field_event_type_tid=833
If you have difficulty using the registration link please email Karen Williams at kmwilliams@nchfa.com. You will be sent the log in information once you register and provide an email address.